WhatsApp: 09007335803
Email: innerself2019@gmail.com



Persons are advised to participate in the program on their own risk. Therapeutic meditation and healing is advised only in addition to standard medical treatment. It is not meant to replace standard medical treatment by any means. Being doctors ourselves, we do not advise stoppage or dis-continuation of any form of medical treatment. We do not guarantee cure or treatment of any disease. We will not be responsible for deterioration of physical or mental condition of any participant and if so happens that person is advised to seek medical help. Our centre is in second floor, so elderly, physically unfit, persons with climbing difficulty are advised not to participate in physical sessions. If any person is not comfortable with Meditation,  he/she is advised to stop/decline at the earliest and seek appropriate help.




If you are missing out something in your life, probably MEDITATION is the missing block of your life’s puzzle.